<aside> 👋 I'm a software engineer based in Indonesia with 7 years of experience in the software industry. My focus area for the past few years has been Backend Engineer with Python, PHP, Go and a AWS Devops.
🔗 linkedin.com/in/shamirhusein
Hukumonline.com, Jakarta, Indonesia – (April 2022 - Present)
Together with team, enable and building a new newsletter system which improving sending newsletter from several hours to 5 - 10 minutes.
Together with team, enable and building landing page for pro hukumonline.com
Konten Premium dan Analisis Hukum Lengkap dan Terbaru | Hukumonline
AWS Migration to Classic AWS to AWS EKS (Kubernetes)
(On-Going) RCS Rebuild (Reg Tech)
Tech Stack:
Delegate PTE LTD*, Singapore, Singapore – (October 2019 - April 2022)*
Building a team from scratch to 6 initial members (3 Front-end Members (1 Lead, 2 Junior) and 3 Backend Engineer ) with Agile (scrum) and weekly 1-on-1 with direct report.
Together with team, refactoring system from monolithic to micro-services and scaleable to 3 Countries (SG, MY, ID) which consist of 3 user facing web (Marketplace, Internal Admin System and Vendor system), 1 API Backend, 2 Services of payment and sso)
Setup, run and maintain virtual event (Delegate Play) for 2k - 4k RPM (monitored by New Relic) for several events.
Manage AWS Services from architecture to budget spending monthly.
Tech Stack:
Mobilkamu.com*, Jakarta, Indonesia – (November 2018 - October 2019)*